Posted by Jesper on October 4, 2022
As we all know, static type systems are great to ensure correctness of
our programs. Sadly, in industry many people are forced to work in
languages with a weak type system, such as Haskell. What should you do
in such a situation? Quit your job? Give up and despair? Perhaps, but
I have another suggestion that I’d like to explain in this post: use
our tool agda2hs
What is this agda2hs
, I hear you asking? Agda2hs is a tool for
producing verified and readable Haskell code by extracting it from a
(lightly annotated) Agda program. This means you can write your code
using Agda’s support for dependent types, interactive editing, and
termination checking, and from this agda2hs
will generate clean and
simply typed Haskell code that looks like it was written by hand. Your
boss will be amazed that all of your code is correct from the first
try, and never even suspect that you secretly proved its correctness
in Agda!
First steps: verifying list insertion
Let’s take a look at an example of how you can use agda2hs
produce provably correct Haskell code. Suppose we want to insert an
element into a sorted list. That’s easy enough:
open import Haskell.Prelude insert : {{Ord a}} → a → List a → List a insert x [] = x ∷ [] insert x (y ∷ ys) = if x < y then x ∷ y ∷ ys else y ∷ insert x ys
The syntax is deliberately chosen to be very close to the
corresponding Haskell syntax, except for the swapping of :
and ::
I am using some definitions from the
that is included with agda2hs
, in particular the Ord
type. The
double braces {{}}
indicate an instance
which is Agda’s way of doing type classes.
To make agda2hs
do its magic, there is just one more invocation
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS insert #-}
Now, calling agda2hs
on this file produces the corresponding Haskell
insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
= [x]
insert x [] : ys) = if x < y then x : (y : ys) else y : insert x ys insert x (y
So far, so Haskell. But this looks awfully complicated, how can we ever know it is correct? Prove it, of course! One property that certainly needs to hold is that when we insert an element into a list, then that element should be in the resulting list.
data _∈_ (x : a) : List a → Set where here : ∀ {ys} → x ∈ (x ∷ ys) there : ∀ {y ys} → x ∈ ys → x ∈ (y ∷ ys) insert-elem : ∀ {{_ : Ord a}} (x : a) (xs : List a) → x ∈ insert x xs insert-elem x [] = here insert-elem x (y ∷ ys) with x < y ... | True = here ... | False = there (insert-elem x ys)
Of course this isn’t enough: defining insert x _ = x ∷ []
this specification. Following the ancient tradition, I leave
identifying and proving the other properties of insertion as an
exercise to the interested reader.
Intrinsic verification with agda2hs
The proof above is an example of extrinsic verification: we first write a simply-typed Haskell-like function and prove properties of it after-the-fact. Another style of proof that is sometimes easier to use is intrinsic verification: here we encode the properties directly in the type of our data, so it becomes impossible to write an incorrect function in the first place.
Avoiding the tired example of length-indexed vectors, let’s take a
look instead at the type of height-indexed trees, i.e. trees that are
indexed by the maximum length of the paths to their leaves. There are
two ways to construct a height-indexed tree: Tip
produces a tree of
height 0
, while Bin
takes an element of type a
and two subtrees,
and produces a tree of height 1 + the maximum of the heights of the
two subtrees.
maxNat : Nat → Nat → Nat maxNat zero n = n maxNat (suc m) zero = suc m maxNat (suc m) (suc n) = suc (maxNat m n) data Tree (a : Set) : (@0 height : Nat) → Set where Tip : Tree a 0 Bin : ∀ {@0 l r} → a → Tree a l → Tree a r → Tree a (suc (maxNat l r)) {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Tree #-}
Since Haskell tends to get confused by terms appearing at the type
level, we need some way to indicate to agda2hs
that we do not want
the second argument to Tree
(the height : Nat
) to be translated to
Haskell. To do this, agda2hs
makes use of the erasure
that are built into Agda. The nice thing about these erasure
annotations is that Agda will check that you never return or pattern
match on an erased argument, so erasing them does not affect the
computational behaviour of your program. The output is a simple
Haskell implementation of binary trees:
data Tree a = Tip
| Bin a (Tree a) (Tree a)
To implement functions on indexed datatypes, it is often needed to
transport an element between two types when we know that their
indices are provably equal. For this we can define the function
(sometimes also called subst
transport : (@0 p : @0 a → Set) {@0 m n : a} → @0 m ≡ n → p m → p n transport p refl t = t {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS transport #-}
That’s surely a lot of erasure annotations! In particular, the type
operator p
both needs to be erased itself, but also needs to accept
erased inputs m
and n
so we can erase them as well. The result is
that transport
is compiled to a plain identity function:
transport :: p -> p
= t transport t
Now we can implement the mirror
function which recursively flips the
left and right subtrees at each node.
@0 max-comm : (@0 l r : Nat) → maxNat l r ≡ maxNat r l max-comm zero zero = refl max-comm zero (suc r) = refl max-comm (suc l) zero = refl max-comm (suc l) (suc r) = cong suc (max-comm l r) mirror : ∀ {@0 h} → Tree a h → Tree a h mirror Tip = Tip mirror {a = a} (Bin {l} {r} x lt rt) = transport (Tree a) (cong suc (max-comm r l)) (Bin x (mirror rt) (mirror lt)) {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS mirror #-}
In the recursive branch of the mirror function, we need to convert a
tree of type Tree a (suc (max r l))
to type Tree a (suc (max l r))
. To do this, we transport
by the proof of commutativity of
. We can now tell that mirror
preserves the height of the tree
by construction, simply from its type.
Running agda2hs
on this function produces the following:
mirror :: Tree a -> Tree a
Tip = Tip
mirror Bin x lt rt) = transport (Bin x (mirror rt) (mirror lt)) mirror (
While this is functional, the function transport
still appears in
the Haskell code! GHC is probably smart enough to inline this
definition, but our boss might be able to tell that we’re not writing
this code by hand.
To avoid this problem, agda2hs
allows us to annotate functions as
if they become an identity function after erasing all
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS transport transparent #-}
With this change, agda2hs
produces the code we want, and we are saved
from our boss. Phew!
mirror :: Tree a -> Tree a
Tip = Tip
mirror Bin x lt rt) = Bin x (mirror rt) (mirror lt) mirror (
Making monads obey the law
At the moment of writing this blog post, agda2hs
is still in its
infancy, so it does not yet support all of Haskell’s main
features. One especially glaring omission at the moment is the lack of
support for do
headMaybe : List a → Maybe a headMaybe [] = Nothing headMaybe (x ∷ xs) = Just x {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS headMaybe #-} tailMaybe : List a → Maybe (List a) tailMaybe [] = Nothing tailMaybe (x ∷ xs) = Just xs {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS tailMaybe #-} third : List a → Maybe a third xs = do ys ← tailMaybe xs zs ← tailMaybe ys z ← headMaybe zs return z {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS third #-}
While we can use do
notation in Agda as shown in the example above,
this is not preserved in the translation to Haskell:
headMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
= Nothing
headMaybe [] : xs) = Just x
headMaybe (x
tailMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
= Nothing
tailMaybe [] : xs) = Just xs
tailMaybe (x
third :: [a] -> Maybe a
third xs= tailMaybe xs >>=
-> tailMaybe ys >>= \ zs -> headMaybe zs >>= return \ ys
Still, we can already do things that would not be possible in Haskell,
e.g. prove the monad laws for each of our monads. To do this, we first
declare a typeclass LawfulMonad
that is parametrized by a Monad m
instance and has three fields, one for each of the three monad laws:
record LawfulMonad (m : Set → Set) {{iMonad : Monad m}} : Set₁ where field left-id : ∀ {a b} (x : a) (f : a → m b) → (return x >>= f) ≡ f x right-id : ∀ {a} (k : m a) → (k >>= return) ≡ k assoc : ∀ {a b c} (k : m a) → (f : a → m b) (g : b → m c) → ((k >>= f) >>= g) ≡ (k >>= (λ x → f x >>= g)) open LawfulMonad
We can then prove the monad laws for a monad by defining an instance
of this class, for example for the Maybe
instance _ : LawfulMonad Maybe _ = λ where .left-id x f → refl .right-id Nothing → refl .right-id (Just x) → refl .assoc Nothing f g → refl .assoc (Just x) f g → refl
Thanks to Agda’s built-in support for eta-equality on function types, proving the monad laws for the reader monad is especially straightforward:
instance _ : {r : Set} → LawfulMonad (λ a → (r → a)) _ = λ where .left-id x f → refl .right-id k → refl .assoc k f g → refl
Coinduction, sizes, and cubical, oh my!
Working with agda2hs
can be quite nice since you have the full power
of Agda at your disposal for writing proofs. As an example, let’s
implement coinductive (infinite) streams, and prove fusion of
subsequent maps on streams by using Cubical
As a warning: this is very much still an experiment, so expect some
rough edges. I’ve made a PR for improving compatibility between
and Cubical Agda,
which should be merged soon.
First, to define coinductive types in agda2hs
we need to import the
type. This type is ‘transparent’ (i.e. not compiled to
Haskell) but it is necessary to make Agda understand that this is
really a coinductive structure, and it should do productivity checking
rather than termination checking.
open import Haskell.Prim.Thunk
We can then use the Thunk
type to mark constructor arguments that
should be treated ‘lazily’:
data Stream (a : Set) (@0 i : Size) : Set where _:>_ : a → Thunk (Stream a) i → Stream a i {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Stream #-}
We make use of sized
to indicate the size of a stream, i.e. the depth to which the stream
has been defined. This helps Agda’s productivity checker to determine
that the functions for producing streams we will define below are
productive. Since the size is marked as erased with @0
, it does not
appear in the Haskell code:
data Stream a = (:>) a (Stream a)
Defining functions that consume a stream is easy enough:
headS : Stream a ∞ → a headS (x :> _) = x {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS headS #-}
To force evaluation of a thunk, we use the syntax .force
tailS : Stream a ∞ → Stream a ∞ tailS (_ :> xs) = xs .force {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS tailS #-}
headS :: Stream a -> a
:> _) = x
headS (x
tailS :: Stream a -> Stream a
:> xs) = xs tailS (_
To define a function that produces a stream, we need to define the
tail “lazily”. In Agda, that is done using the syntax λ where .force → ...
repeat : a → Stream a i repeat x = x :> λ where .force → repeat x {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS repeat #-}
The function is compiled as expected, and any trace of Thunk
is gone:
repeat :: a -> Stream a
repeat x = x :> repeat x
Similarly, we define a map
function on streams:
mapS : (a → b) → Stream a i → Stream b i mapS f (x :> xs) = (f x) :> λ where .force → mapS f (xs .force) {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS mapS #-}
mapS :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
:> xs) = f x :> mapS f xs mapS f (x
As an example, we can use this to implement the infinite stream of natural numbers:
nats : Stream Int i nats = 0 :> λ where .force → mapS (λ x → 1 + x) nats {-# COMPILE AGDA2HS nats #-}
Finally, let me make good on my promise and prove map fusion on
streams by using Cubical Agda. Step one: import the PathP
and define the cubical equality type _=P_
in terms of it:
open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical using (PathP) _=P_ : {a : Set ℓ} → (x y : a) → Set ℓ _=P_ {a = a} = PathP (λ _ → a)
Step two: draw the
owl prove the
mapS-fusion : (f : a → b) (g : b → c) (s : Stream a i) → mapS {i = i} g (mapS {i = i} f s) =P mapS {i = i} (λ x → g (f x)) s mapS-fusion f g (hd :> tl) i = (g (f hd)) :> λ where .force → mapS-fusion f g (tl .force) i
If you haven’t seen Cubical Agda being used for proving bisimilarity
before, this probably looks like magic. But if it is magic, it is
magic provided by Cubical Agda, not by agda2hs
. The real magic is
the fact that agda2hs
does not even need to know anything about
Cubical Agda for this proof to work!
If you want to try out agda2hs
for yourself, you can get it from
Github. If you are keen to see more
examples and learn of the design and implementation of agda2hs
, you
can take a look at our recent paper at the Haskell
And if you have any comments or suggestions about this post, you can
always send them to me on Mastodon or via