module Haskell.Prim.String where

open import Haskell.Prim
open import Haskell.Prim.List
open import Haskell.Prim.Foldable

-- String
-- This is _not_ the builtin String type of Agda
-- which is defined by postulates.
-- `fromString` can be used to convert back
-- to builtin Agda strings.

String = List Char

  iIsStringString : IsString String
  iIsStringString .IsString.Constraint _ = 
  iIsStringString .fromString s = primStringToList s

  cons : Char  List String  List String
  cons c []       = (c  [])  []
  cons c (s  ss) = (c  s)  ss

lines : String  List String
lines []         = []
lines ('\n'  s) = []  lines s
lines (c     s) = cons c (lines s)

  space : String  List String
  space [] = []
  space (c  s) = if primIsSpace c then space s else cons c (word s)

  word  : String  List String
  word []      = []
  word (c  s) = if primIsSpace c then []  space s else cons c (word s)

words : String  List String
words [] = []
words s@(c  s₁) = if primIsSpace c then space s₁ else word s

unlines : List String  String
unlines = concatMap (_++ "\n")

unwords : List String  String
unwords [] = ""
unwords (w  []) = w
unwords (w  ws) = w ++ ' '  unwords ws