module Haskell.Prim.Enum where
open import Haskell.Prim
open import Haskell.Prim.Bool
open import Haskell.Prim.Bounded
open import Haskell.Prim.Either
open import Haskell.Prim.Eq
open import Haskell.Prim.Functor
open import Haskell.Prim.Int
open import Haskell.Prim.Integer
open import Haskell.Prim.List
open import Haskell.Prim.Maybe
open import Haskell.Prim.Num
open import Haskell.Prim.Ord
open import Haskell.Prim.Tuple
open import Haskell.Prim.Word
@0 IfBoundedBelow : Maybe (BoundedBelow a) → (⦃ BoundedBelow a ⦄ → Set) → Set
IfBoundedBelow Nothing k = ⊤
IfBoundedBelow (Just i) k = k ⦃ i ⦄
@0 IfBoundedAbove : Maybe (BoundedAbove a) → (⦃ BoundedAbove a ⦄ → Set) → Set
IfBoundedAbove Nothing k = ⊤
IfBoundedAbove (Just i) k = k ⦃ i ⦄
record Enum (a : Set) : Set₁ where
BoundedBelowEnum : Maybe (BoundedBelow a)
BoundedAboveEnum : Maybe (BoundedAbove a)
fromEnum : a → Int
@0 IsBoundedBelow : Set
IsBoundedBelow = maybe ⊥ (λ _ → ⊤) BoundedBelowEnum
@0 IsBoundedAbove : Set
IsBoundedAbove = maybe ⊥ (λ _ → ⊤) BoundedAboveEnum
@0 TrueIfLB : (⦃ BoundedBelow a ⦄ → Bool) → Set
TrueIfLB C = IfBoundedBelow BoundedBelowEnum (IsTrue C)
@0 TrueIfUB : (⦃ BoundedAbove a ⦄ → Bool) → Set
TrueIfUB C = IfBoundedAbove BoundedAboveEnum (IsTrue C)
@0 FalseIfLB : (⦃ BoundedBelow a ⦄ → Bool) → Set
FalseIfLB C = IfBoundedBelow BoundedBelowEnum (IsFalse C)
@0 FalseIfUB : (⦃ BoundedAbove a ⦄ → Bool) → Set
FalseIfUB C = IfBoundedAbove BoundedAboveEnum (IsFalse C)
minInt : ⦃ BoundedBelow a ⦄ → Int
minInt ⦃ _ ⦄ = fromEnum minBound
maxInt : ⦃ BoundedAbove a ⦄ → Int
maxInt ⦃ _ ⦄ = fromEnum maxBound
toEnum : (n : Int) → @0 ⦃ TrueIfLB (minInt <= n) ⦄ → @0 ⦃ TrueIfUB (n <= maxInt) ⦄ → a
succ : (x : a) → @0 ⦃ FalseIfUB (fromEnum x == maxInt) ⦄ → a
pred : (x : a) → @0 ⦃ FalseIfLB (fromEnum x == minInt) ⦄ → a
enumFrom : @0 ⦃ IsBoundedAbove ⦄ → a → List a
enumFromTo : a → a → List a
enumFromThenTo : (x x₁ : a) → @0 ⦃ IsFalse (fromEnum x == fromEnum x₁) ⦄ → a → List a
enumFromThen : @0 ⦃ IsBoundedBelow ⦄ → @0 ⦃ IsBoundedAbove ⦄ → (x x₁ : a) → @0 ⦃ IsFalse (fromEnum x == fromEnum x₁) ⦄ → List a
open Enum ⦃...⦄ public
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Enum existing-class #-}
divNat : Nat → Nat → Nat
divNat a 0 = 0
divNat a (suc b) = div-helper 0 b a b
diff : Integer → Integer → Maybe Nat
diff a b =
case a - b of λ where
(pos n) → Just n
(negsuc _) → Nothing
unsafeIntegerToNat : Integer → Nat
unsafeIntegerToNat (pos n) = n
unsafeIntegerToNat (negsuc _) = 0
integerFromCount : Integer → Integer → Nat → List Integer
integerFromCount a step 0 = []
integerFromCount a step (suc n) = a ∷ integerFromCount (a + step) step n
integerFromTo : Integer → Integer → List Integer
integerFromTo a b = maybe [] (integerFromCount a 1 ∘ suc) (diff b a)
integerFromThenTo : (a a₁ : Integer) → @0 ⦃ IsFalse (integerToInt a == integerToInt a₁) ⦄ → Integer → List Integer
integerFromThenTo a a₁ b =
case compare a a₁ of λ where
LT → maybe [] (λ d → integerFromCount a (a₁ - a) (suc (divNat d (unsafeIntegerToNat (a₁ - a))))) (diff b a)
EQ → []
GT → maybe [] (λ d → integerFromCount a (a₁ - a) (suc (divNat d (unsafeIntegerToNat (a - a₁))))) (diff a b)
iEnumInteger : Enum Integer
iEnumInteger .BoundedBelowEnum = Nothing
iEnumInteger .BoundedAboveEnum = Nothing
iEnumInteger .fromEnum = integerToInt
iEnumInteger .toEnum n = intToInteger n
iEnumInteger .succ = _+ 1
iEnumInteger .pred = _- 1
iEnumInteger .enumFromTo = integerFromTo
iEnumInteger .enumFromThenTo = integerFromThenTo
fromTo : (from : a → Integer) (to : Integer → a)
→ a → a → List a
fromTo from to a b = map to (enumFromTo (from a) (from b))
fromThenTo : (from : a → Integer) (to : Integer → a)
→ (x x₁ : a) → @0 ⦃ IsFalse (fromEnum (from x) == fromEnum (from x₁)) ⦄ → a → List a
fromThenTo from to a a₁ b = map to (enumFromThenTo (from a) (from a₁) (from b))
iEnumNat : Enum Nat
iEnumNat .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumNat .BoundedAboveEnum = Nothing
iEnumNat .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ pos
iEnumNat .toEnum n = unsafeIntegerToNat (intToInteger n)
iEnumNat .succ n = suc n
iEnumNat .pred (suc n) = n
iEnumNat .enumFromTo = fromTo pos unsafeIntegerToNat
iEnumNat .enumFromThenTo = fromThenTo pos unsafeIntegerToNat
iEnumInt : Enum Int
iEnumInt .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumInt .BoundedAboveEnum = Just it
iEnumInt .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ intToInteger
iEnumInt .toEnum n = integerToInt (intToInteger n)
iEnumInt .succ x = integerToInt (intToInteger x + 1)
iEnumInt .pred x = integerToInt (intToInteger x - 1)
iEnumInt .enumFromTo a b = fromTo intToInteger integerToInt a b
iEnumInt .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo intToInteger integerToInt a a₁ b
iEnumInt .enumFrom a = fromTo intToInteger integerToInt a maxBound
iEnumInt .enumFromThen a a₁ =
if a < a₁ then fromThenTo intToInteger integerToInt a a₁ maxBound
else fromThenTo intToInteger integerToInt a a₁ minBound
iEnumWord : Enum Word
iEnumWord .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumWord .BoundedAboveEnum = Just it
iEnumWord .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ wordToInteger
iEnumWord .toEnum n = integerToWord (intToInteger n)
iEnumWord .succ x = integerToWord (wordToInteger x + 1)
iEnumWord .pred x = integerToWord (wordToInteger x - 1)
iEnumWord .enumFromTo a b = fromTo wordToInteger integerToWord a b
iEnumWord .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo wordToInteger integerToWord a a₁ b
iEnumWord .enumFrom a = fromTo wordToInteger integerToWord a maxBound
iEnumWord .enumFromThen a a₁ =
if a < a₁ then fromThenTo wordToInteger integerToWord a a₁ maxBound
else fromThenTo wordToInteger integerToWord a a₁ minBound
fromBool : Bool → Integer
fromBool = if_then 1 else 0
toBool : Integer → Bool
toBool = _/= 0
iEnumBool : Enum Bool
iEnumBool .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumBool .BoundedAboveEnum = Just it
iEnumBool .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ fromBool
iEnumBool .toEnum n = toBool (intToInteger n)
iEnumBool .succ x = toBool (fromBool x + 1)
iEnumBool .pred x = toBool (fromBool x - 1)
iEnumBool .enumFromTo a b = fromTo fromBool toBool a b
iEnumBool .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromBool toBool a a₁ b
iEnumBool .enumFrom a = fromTo fromBool toBool a maxBound
iEnumBool .enumFromThen a a₁ =
if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromBool toBool a a₁ maxBound
else fromThenTo fromBool toBool a a₁ minBound
fromOrdering : Ordering → Integer
fromOrdering = λ where LT → 0; EQ → 1; GT → 2
toOrdering : Integer → Ordering
toOrdering = λ where (pos 0) → LT; (pos 1) → EQ; _ → GT
iEnumOrdering : Enum Ordering
iEnumOrdering .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumOrdering .BoundedAboveEnum = Just it
iEnumOrdering .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ fromOrdering
iEnumOrdering .toEnum n = toOrdering (intToInteger n)
iEnumOrdering .succ x = toOrdering (fromOrdering x + 1)
iEnumOrdering .pred x = toOrdering (fromOrdering x - 1)
iEnumOrdering .enumFromTo a b = fromTo fromOrdering toOrdering a b
iEnumOrdering .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromOrdering toOrdering a a₁ b
iEnumOrdering .enumFrom a = fromTo fromOrdering toOrdering a maxBound
iEnumOrdering .enumFromThen a a₁ =
if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromOrdering toOrdering a a₁ maxBound
else fromThenTo fromOrdering toOrdering a a₁ minBound
fromUnit : ⊤ → Integer
fromUnit _ = 0
toUnit : Integer → ⊤
toUnit _ = tt
iEnumUnit : Enum ⊤
iEnumUnit .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumUnit .BoundedAboveEnum = Just it
iEnumUnit .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ fromUnit
iEnumUnit .toEnum n = toUnit (intToInteger n)
iEnumUnit .succ x = toUnit (fromUnit x + 1)
iEnumUnit .pred x = toUnit (fromUnit x - 1)
iEnumUnit .enumFromTo a b = fromTo fromUnit toUnit a b
iEnumUnit .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromUnit toUnit a a₁ b
iEnumUnit .enumFrom a = fromTo fromUnit toUnit a maxBound
iEnumUnit .enumFromThen a a₁ =
if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromUnit toUnit a a₁ maxBound
else fromThenTo fromUnit toUnit a a₁ minBound
fromChar : Char → Integer
fromChar = pos ∘ c2n
toChar : Integer → Char
toChar = λ where (pos n) → primNatToChar n; _ → '_'
iEnumChar : Enum Char
iEnumChar .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
iEnumChar .BoundedAboveEnum = Just it
iEnumChar .fromEnum = integerToInt ∘ fromChar
iEnumChar .toEnum n = toChar (intToInteger n)
iEnumChar .succ x = toChar (fromChar x + 1)
iEnumChar .pred x = toChar (fromChar x - 1)
iEnumChar .enumFromTo a b = fromTo fromChar toChar a b
iEnumChar .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromChar toChar a a₁ b
iEnumChar .enumFrom a = fromTo fromChar toChar a maxBound
iEnumChar .enumFromThen a a₁ =
if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromChar toChar a a₁ maxBound
else fromThenTo fromChar toChar a a₁ minBound