module Haskell.Prim.Enum where

open import Haskell.Prim
open import Haskell.Prim.Bool
open import Haskell.Prim.Bounded
open import Haskell.Prim.Either
open import Haskell.Prim.Eq
open import Haskell.Prim.Functor
open import Haskell.Prim.Int
open import Haskell.Prim.Integer
open import Haskell.Prim.List
open import Haskell.Prim.Maybe
open import Haskell.Prim.Num
open import Haskell.Prim.Ord
open import Haskell.Prim.Tuple
open import Haskell.Prim.Word

-- Enum
--    Assumptions: unbounded enums have no constraints on their
--    operations and bounded enums should work on all values between
--    minBound and maxBound. Unbounded enums do not support enumFrom
--    and enumFromThen (since they return infinite lists).

@0 IfBoundedBelow : Maybe (BoundedBelow a)  (⦃ BoundedBelow a   Set)  Set
IfBoundedBelow Nothing  k = 
IfBoundedBelow (Just i) k = k  i 

@0 IfBoundedAbove : Maybe (BoundedAbove a)  (⦃ BoundedAbove a   Set)  Set
IfBoundedAbove Nothing  k = 
IfBoundedAbove (Just i) k = k  i 

record Enum (a : Set) : Set₁ where
    BoundedBelowEnum : Maybe (BoundedBelow a)
    BoundedAboveEnum : Maybe (BoundedAbove a)
    fromEnum         : a  Int

    @0 IsBoundedBelow : Set
    IsBoundedBelow = maybe   _  ) BoundedBelowEnum

    @0 IsBoundedAbove : Set
    IsBoundedAbove = maybe   _  ) BoundedAboveEnum

    @0 TrueIfLB : (⦃ BoundedBelow a   Bool)  Set
    TrueIfLB C = IfBoundedBelow BoundedBelowEnum (IsTrue C)

    @0 TrueIfUB : (⦃ BoundedAbove a   Bool)  Set
    TrueIfUB C = IfBoundedAbove BoundedAboveEnum (IsTrue C)

    @0 FalseIfLB : (⦃ BoundedBelow a   Bool)  Set
    FalseIfLB C = IfBoundedBelow BoundedBelowEnum (IsFalse C)

    @0 FalseIfUB : (⦃ BoundedAbove a   Bool)  Set
    FalseIfUB C = IfBoundedAbove BoundedAboveEnum (IsFalse C)

    minInt :  BoundedBelow a   Int
    minInt  _  = fromEnum minBound

    maxInt :  BoundedAbove a   Int
    maxInt  _  = fromEnum maxBound

    toEnum : (n : Int)  @0  TrueIfLB (minInt <= n)   @0  TrueIfUB (n <= maxInt)   a
    succ   : (x : a)  @0  FalseIfUB (fromEnum x == maxInt)   a
    pred   : (x : a)  @0  FalseIfLB (fromEnum x == minInt)   a

    enumFrom       : @0  IsBoundedAbove   a  List a
    enumFromTo     : a  a  List a
    -- In the Prelude Enum instances `enumFromThenTo x x y` gives the
    -- infinite list of `x`s. The constraint is a little bit stronger than it needs to be,
    -- since it rules out different x and x₁ that maps to the same Int, but this saves us
    -- requiring an Eq instance for `a`, and it's not a terrible limitation to not be able to
    -- write [0, 2^64 .. 2^66].
    enumFromThenTo : (x x₁ : a)  @0  IsFalse (fromEnum x == fromEnum x₁)   a  List a
    enumFromThen   : @0  IsBoundedBelow   @0  IsBoundedAbove   (x x₁ : a)  @0  IsFalse (fromEnum x == fromEnum x₁)   List a

open Enum ⦃...⦄ public

{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Enum existing-class #-}

  divNat : Nat  Nat  Nat
  divNat a 0       = 0
  divNat a (suc b) = div-helper 0 b a b

  diff : Integer  Integer  Maybe Nat
  diff a b =
    case a - b of λ where
      (pos n)     Just n
      (negsuc _)  Nothing

  unsafeIntegerToNat : Integer  Nat
  unsafeIntegerToNat (pos n) = n
  unsafeIntegerToNat (negsuc _) = 0

  integerFromCount : Integer  Integer  Nat  List Integer
  integerFromCount a step 0       = []
  integerFromCount a step (suc n) = a  integerFromCount (a + step) step n

  integerFromTo : Integer  Integer  List Integer
  integerFromTo a b = maybe [] (integerFromCount a 1  suc) (diff b a)

  integerFromThenTo : (a a₁ : Integer)  @0  IsFalse (integerToInt a == integerToInt a₁)   Integer  List Integer
  integerFromThenTo a a₁ b =
    case compare a a₁ of λ where
      LT  maybe []  d  integerFromCount a (a₁ - a) (suc (divNat d (unsafeIntegerToNat (a₁ - a))))) (diff b a)
      EQ  [] -- impossible
      GT  maybe []  d  integerFromCount a (a₁ - a) (suc (divNat d (unsafeIntegerToNat (a - a₁))))) (diff a b)

  iEnumInteger : Enum Integer
  iEnumInteger .BoundedBelowEnum  = Nothing
  iEnumInteger .BoundedAboveEnum  = Nothing
  iEnumInteger .fromEnum          = integerToInt
  iEnumInteger .toEnum          n = intToInteger n
  iEnumInteger .succ              = _+ 1
  iEnumInteger .pred              = _- 1
  iEnumInteger .enumFromTo        = integerFromTo
  iEnumInteger .enumFromThenTo    = integerFromThenTo

  fromTo : (from : a  Integer) (to : Integer  a)
          a  a  List a
  fromTo from to a b = map to (enumFromTo (from a) (from b))

  fromThenTo : (from : a  Integer) (to : Integer  a)
              (x x₁ : a)  @0  IsFalse (fromEnum (from x) == fromEnum (from x₁))   a  List a
  fromThenTo from to a a₁ b = map to (enumFromThenTo (from a) (from a₁) (from b))

  iEnumNat : Enum Nat
  iEnumNat .BoundedBelowEnum = Just it
  iEnumNat .BoundedAboveEnum = Nothing
  iEnumNat .fromEnum = integerToInt  pos
  iEnumNat .toEnum n = unsafeIntegerToNat (intToInteger n)
  iEnumNat .succ n = suc n
  iEnumNat .pred (suc n) = n
  iEnumNat .enumFromTo = fromTo pos unsafeIntegerToNat
  iEnumNat .enumFromThenTo = fromThenTo pos unsafeIntegerToNat

  iEnumInt : Enum Int
  iEnumInt .BoundedBelowEnum      = Just it
  iEnumInt .BoundedAboveEnum      = Just it
  iEnumInt .fromEnum              = integerToInt  intToInteger
  iEnumInt .toEnum         n      = integerToInt (intToInteger n)
  iEnumInt .succ           x      = integerToInt (intToInteger x + 1)
  iEnumInt .pred           x      = integerToInt (intToInteger x - 1)
  iEnumInt .enumFromTo     a b    = fromTo intToInteger integerToInt a b
  iEnumInt .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo intToInteger integerToInt a a₁ b
  iEnumInt .enumFrom       a      = fromTo intToInteger integerToInt a maxBound
  iEnumInt .enumFromThen   a a₁   =
    if a < a₁ then fromThenTo intToInteger integerToInt a a₁ maxBound
              else fromThenTo intToInteger integerToInt a a₁ minBound

  iEnumWord : Enum Word
  iEnumWord .BoundedBelowEnum      = Just it
  iEnumWord .BoundedAboveEnum      = Just it
  iEnumWord .fromEnum              = integerToInt  wordToInteger
  iEnumWord .toEnum         n      = integerToWord (intToInteger n)
  iEnumWord .succ           x      = integerToWord (wordToInteger x + 1)
  iEnumWord .pred           x      = integerToWord (wordToInteger x - 1)
  iEnumWord .enumFromTo     a b    = fromTo wordToInteger integerToWord a b
  iEnumWord .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo wordToInteger integerToWord a a₁ b
  iEnumWord .enumFrom       a      = fromTo wordToInteger integerToWord a maxBound
  iEnumWord .enumFromThen   a a₁   =
    if a < a₁ then fromThenTo wordToInteger integerToWord a a₁ maxBound
              else fromThenTo wordToInteger integerToWord a a₁ minBound

  fromBool : Bool  Integer
  fromBool = if_then 1 else 0

  toBool : Integer  Bool
  toBool = _/= 0

  iEnumBool : Enum Bool
  iEnumBool .BoundedBelowEnum      = Just it
  iEnumBool .BoundedAboveEnum      = Just it
  iEnumBool .fromEnum              = integerToInt  fromBool
  iEnumBool .toEnum         n      = toBool (intToInteger n)
  iEnumBool .succ           x      = toBool (fromBool x + 1)
  iEnumBool .pred           x      = toBool (fromBool x - 1)
  iEnumBool .enumFromTo     a b    = fromTo fromBool toBool a b
  iEnumBool .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromBool toBool a a₁ b
  iEnumBool .enumFrom       a      = fromTo fromBool toBool a maxBound
  iEnumBool .enumFromThen   a a₁   =
    if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromBool toBool a a₁ maxBound
              else fromThenTo fromBool toBool a a₁ minBound

  fromOrdering : Ordering  Integer
  fromOrdering = λ where LT  0; EQ  1; GT  2

  toOrdering : Integer  Ordering
  toOrdering = λ where (pos 0)  LT; (pos 1)  EQ; _  GT

  iEnumOrdering : Enum Ordering
  iEnumOrdering .BoundedBelowEnum      = Just it
  iEnumOrdering .BoundedAboveEnum      = Just it
  iEnumOrdering .fromEnum              = integerToInt  fromOrdering
  iEnumOrdering .toEnum         n      = toOrdering (intToInteger n)
  iEnumOrdering .succ           x      = toOrdering (fromOrdering x + 1)
  iEnumOrdering .pred           x      = toOrdering (fromOrdering x - 1)
  iEnumOrdering .enumFromTo     a b    = fromTo fromOrdering toOrdering a b
  iEnumOrdering .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromOrdering toOrdering a a₁ b
  iEnumOrdering .enumFrom       a      = fromTo fromOrdering toOrdering a maxBound
  iEnumOrdering .enumFromThen   a a₁   =
    if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromOrdering toOrdering a a₁ maxBound
              else fromThenTo fromOrdering toOrdering a a₁ minBound

  fromUnit :   Integer
  fromUnit _ = 0

  toUnit : Integer  
  toUnit _ = tt

  iEnumUnit : Enum 
  iEnumUnit .BoundedBelowEnum      = Just it
  iEnumUnit .BoundedAboveEnum      = Just it
  iEnumUnit .fromEnum              = integerToInt  fromUnit
  iEnumUnit .toEnum         n      = toUnit (intToInteger n)
  iEnumUnit .succ           x      = toUnit (fromUnit x + 1)
  iEnumUnit .pred           x      = toUnit (fromUnit x - 1)
  iEnumUnit .enumFromTo     a b    = fromTo fromUnit toUnit a b
  iEnumUnit .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromUnit toUnit a a₁ b
  iEnumUnit .enumFrom       a      = fromTo fromUnit toUnit a maxBound
  iEnumUnit .enumFromThen   a a₁   =
    if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromUnit toUnit a a₁ maxBound
              else fromThenTo fromUnit toUnit a a₁ minBound

  fromChar : Char  Integer
  fromChar = pos  c2n

  toChar : Integer  Char
  toChar = λ where (pos n)  primNatToChar n; _  '_'

  iEnumChar : Enum Char
  iEnumChar .BoundedBelowEnum      = Just it
  iEnumChar .BoundedAboveEnum      = Just it
  iEnumChar .fromEnum              = integerToInt  fromChar
  iEnumChar .toEnum         n      = toChar (intToInteger n)
  iEnumChar .succ           x      = toChar (fromChar x + 1)
  iEnumChar .pred           x      = toChar (fromChar x - 1)
  iEnumChar .enumFromTo     a b    = fromTo fromChar toChar a b
  iEnumChar .enumFromThenTo a a₁ b = fromThenTo fromChar toChar a a₁ b
  iEnumChar .enumFrom       a      = fromTo fromChar toChar a maxBound
  iEnumChar .enumFromThen   a a₁   =
    if a < a₁ then fromThenTo fromChar toChar a a₁ maxBound
              else fromThenTo fromChar toChar a a₁ minBound

  -- Missing:
  --  Enum Double  (can't go via Integer)