-- The Agda standard library
-- Lists where all elements satisfy a given property

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Relation.Unary.All where

open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional renaming (_∈_ to _∈ₚ_)
import Data.List.Membership.Setoid as SetoidMembership
open import Data.Product.Base as Product
  using (; -,_; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; uncurry)
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Effect.Applicative
open import Effect.Monad
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _∘′_; id; const)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Nullary hiding (Irrelevant)
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Unary hiding (_∈_)
import Relation.Unary.Properties as Unary
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (_Respects_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as 
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as 

    a b p q r  : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    P Q R : Pred A p
    x : A
    xs : List A

-- Definitions

-- Given a predicate P, then All P xs means that every element in xs
-- satisfies P. See `Relation.Unary` for an explanation of predicates.

infixr 5 _∷_

data All {A : Set a} (P : Pred A p) : Pred (List A) (a  p) where
  []  : All P []
  _∷_ :  {x xs} (px : P x) (pxs : All P xs)  All P (x  xs)

-- All P xs is a finite map from indices x ∈ xs to content P x.
-- Relation pxs [ i ]= px states that, in map pxs, key i : x ∈ xs points
-- to value px.

infix 4 _[_]=_

data _[_]=_ {A : Set a} {P : Pred A p} :
             {x xs}  All P xs  x ∈ₚ xs  P x  Set (a  p) where

  here  :  {x xs} {px : P x} {pxs : All P xs} 
          px  pxs [ here refl ]= px

  there :  {x xs y} {px : P x} {pxs : All P xs} {py : P y} {i : x ∈ₚ xs} 
          pxs [ i ]= px 
          py  pxs [ there i ]= px

-- A list is empty if having an element is impossible.

Null : Pred (List A) _
Null = All 

-- Operations on All

uncons : All P (x  xs)  P x × All P xs
uncons (px  pxs) = px , pxs

head : All P (x  xs)  P x
head = proj₁  uncons

tail : All P (x  xs)  All P xs
tail = proj₂  uncons

reduce : (f :  {x}  P x  B)  All P xs  List B
reduce f []         = []
reduce f (px  pxs) = f px  reduce f pxs

construct : (f : B   P) (xs : List B)   (All P)
construct f []       = [] , []
construct f (x  xs) = Product.zip _∷_ _∷_ (f x) (construct f xs)

fromList : (xs : List ( P))  All P (List.map proj₁ xs)
fromList []              = []
fromList ((x , p)  xps) = p  fromList xps

toList : All P xs  List ( P)
toList pxs = reduce  {x} px  x , px) pxs

map : P  Q  All P  All Q
map g []         = []
map g (px  pxs) = g px  map g pxs

zipWith : P  Q  R  All P  All Q  All R
zipWith f ([] , [])             = []
zipWith f (px  pxs , qx  qxs) = f (px , qx)  zipWith f (pxs , qxs)

unzipWith : R  P  Q  All R  All P  All Q
unzipWith f []         = [] , []
unzipWith f (rx  rxs) = Product.zip _∷_ _∷_ (f rx) (unzipWith f rxs)

zip : All P  All Q  All (P  Q)
zip = zipWith id

unzip : All (P  Q)  All P  All Q
unzip = unzipWith id

module _(S : Setoid a ) {P : Pred (Setoid.Carrier S) p} where
  open Setoid S renaming (refl to ≈-refl)
  open SetoidMembership S

  tabulateₛ : (∀ {x}  x  xs  P x)  All P xs
  tabulateₛ {[]}    hyp = []
  tabulateₛ {_  _} hyp = hyp (here ≈-refl)  tabulateₛ (hyp  there)

tabulate : (∀ {x}  x ∈ₚ xs  P x)  All P xs
tabulate = tabulateₛ (≡.setoid _)

self :  {xs}  All (const A) xs
self = tabulate  {x} _  x)

-- (weak) updateAt

infixl 6 _[_]%=_ _[_]≔_

updateAt : x ∈ₚ xs  (P x  P x)  All P xs  All P xs
updateAt () f []
updateAt (here refl) f (px  pxs) = f px  pxs
updateAt (there i)   f (px  pxs) =   px  updateAt i f pxs

_[_]%=_ : All P xs  x ∈ₚ xs  (P x  P x)  All P xs
pxs [ i ]%= f = updateAt i f pxs

_[_]≔_ : All P xs  x ∈ₚ xs  P x  All P xs
pxs [ i ]≔ px = pxs [ i ]%= const px

-- Traversable-like functions

module _ (p : Level) {A : Set a} {P : Pred A (a  p)}
         {F : Set (a  p)  Set (a  p)}
         (App : RawApplicative F)

  open RawApplicative App

  sequenceA : All (F ∘′ P)  F ∘′ All P
  sequenceA []       = pure []
  sequenceA (x  xs) = _∷_ <$> x <*> sequenceA xs

  mapA :  {Q : Pred A q}  (Q  F ∘′ P)  All Q  (F ∘′ All P)
  mapA f = sequenceA ∘′ map f

  forA :  {Q : Pred A q}  All Q xs  (Q  F ∘′ P)  F (All P xs)
  forA qxs f = mapA f qxs

module _ (p : Level) {A : Set a} {P : Pred A (a  p)}
         {M : Set (a  p)  Set (a  p)}
         (Mon : RawMonad M)

  private App = RawMonad.rawApplicative Mon

  sequenceM : All (M ∘′ P)  M ∘′ All P
  sequenceM = sequenceA p App

  mapM :  {Q : Pred A q}  (Q  M ∘′ P)  All Q  (M ∘′ All P)
  mapM = mapA p App

  forM :  {Q : Pred A q}  All Q xs  (Q  M ∘′ P)  M (All P xs)
  forM = forA p App

-- Generalised lookup based on a proof of Any

lookupAny : All P xs  (i : Any Q xs)  (P  Q) (Any.lookup i)
lookupAny (px  pxs) (here qx) = px , qx
lookupAny (px  pxs) (there i) = lookupAny pxs i

lookupWith : ∀[ P  Q  R ]  All P xs  (i : Any Q xs)  R (Any.lookup i)
lookupWith f pxs i = Product.uncurry f (lookupAny pxs i)

lookup : All P xs  (∀ {x}  x ∈ₚ xs  P x)
lookup pxs = lookupWith  { px refl  px }) pxs

module _(S : Setoid a ) {P : Pred (Setoid.Carrier S) p} where
  open Setoid S renaming (sym to ≈-sym)
  open SetoidMembership S

  lookupₛ : P Respects _≈_  All P xs  (∀ {x}  x  xs  P x)
  lookupₛ resp pxs = lookupWith  py x≈y  resp (≈-sym x≈y) py) pxs

-- Properties of predicates preserved by All

all? : Decidable P  Decidable (All P)
all? p []       = yes []
all? p (x  xs) = Dec.map′ (uncurry _∷_) uncons (p x ×-dec all? p xs)

universal : Universal P  Universal (All P)
universal u []       = []
universal u (x  xs) = u x  universal u xs

universal-U : Universal (All {A = A} U)
universal-U = universal Unary.U-Universal

irrelevant : Irrelevant P  Irrelevant (All P)
irrelevant irr []           []           = ≡.refl
irrelevant irr (px₁  pxs₁) (px₂  pxs₂) =
  ≡.cong₂ _∷_ (irr px₁ px₂) (irrelevant irr pxs₁ pxs₂)

satisfiable : Satisfiable (All P)
satisfiable = [] , []

-- Generalised decidability procedure

decide :  Π[ P  Q ]  Π[ All P  Any Q ]
decide p∪q [] = inj₁ []
decide p∪q (x  xs) with p∪q x
... | inj₂ qx = inj₂ (here qx)
... | inj₁ px = Sum.map (px ∷_) there (decide p∪q xs)

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 1.4

all = all?
"Warning: all was deprecated in v1.4.
Please use all? instead."